Department 56 Harry Potter Village The Seekers Figure Set 6014665
Harry made the Quidditch team by being noticed on his broom chasing Draco and become the Seeker for Griffyndor, Draco became the Seeker for Slytherin shortly after Harry.
These two rivals are...
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Dementor Figure 6010481
Guards of Azkaban, Dementors sure are scary beings. They are faceless, with long grey skinned arms and sharp fingers- they will suck out every happy memory you have if you get too close! If you...
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Harry and The Headmaster Figure Set of 2 6002314
“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
Throughout the tales of Harry Potter, Dumbledore helps drop subtle hints to Har
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Expecto Patronum! Figure 6014669
We all can recall the surreal moment when Harry sees what he thinks is his father casting a patronus spell to save him and Sirius from the swarm of Dementors! This bright...
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Seeing Wrackspurts Figure 6009847
"Wrackspurts, your heads full of them!"
Harry and Luna miss the carriages to the Hogwarts gates and accompany the other to school. When they get to the gates Draco comments