Products List
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Professor Slughorn & the Trio Figure 6006515
D56-6006515$58.00Professor Slughorn is the professor that accidentally taught Voldemort how to create horcruxes, and edited his memory so no one would ever find out! He came in Harry's 6th school year at Hogwarts and taught Potions. Where Harry found The Half Blood... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Lucius Malfoy Figure 6006512
D56-6006512$30.00Lucius Malfoy is the father of Draco Malfoy and known Death Eater and loyalist to Lord Voldemort. He is known for his white blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, expertly depicted in the figure! It also shows him wand out ready to defend the Dark Lord... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village The Three Broomsticks Building 6006511
D56-6006511$180.00Located in the cozy village of Hogsmeade sits the Three Broomsticks Inn and Pub. Visited by students from the closely neighboring Hogwarts School, it is usually very crowded, but a safe and warm place to get away from the snowy outside and share a laugh... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Borgin and Burkes Building 6006510
D56-6006510$134.00Borgin and Burkes is located on Knockturn Alley, right next to Diagon Alley. It is known for having weird, unusual, ancient, and most times dark wizard antiques. It is where Harry, Hermione, and Ron spotted Draco and his mom acting shady one day,... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Wizarding Equipment Figure 6005619
D56-6005619$42.50"Can we buy all this in London?" Harry wondered aloud. "If yeh know where to go," said Hagrid. We all remember the magic of Hagrid tapping on the special bricks in a precise rhythm opening up the secret doorway from the regular... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Ukrainian Ironbelly Dragon Figure 6005621
D56-6005621$68.00**You are purchasing a pre-order. Estimated Ship Date 7/31/25** Please read all about Pre-Orders HERE When you sneak into the wizard bank with the help of a goblin and the bank security is hot on your tail.... the... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Gringotts Bank Building 6005616
D56-6005616$150.00The Wizarding World's only bank is Gringott's Bank located on Diagon Alley! Ran by goblins, it's a high security bank that has a dragon inside!! Harry Potter breaks into the bank with the help of Griphook the goblin and escapes with the pale white... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes Building 6005615
D56-6005615$144.00Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, also known as Weasley & Weasley, is a joke shop owned and founded by Fred and George Weasley! Located on Diagon Alley, you can get tons of joke objects like Extendable Ears, a Reusable Hangman, Skiving Snackboxes,... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Eeylops Owl Emporium Building 6005614
D56-6005614$136.00Every first year witch or wizard gets their choice of pet! If you're like Harry and choose a pet owl, you'll have to stop by Eeylops Owl Emporium! Will you get a brown owl, a grey one, or perhaps a snowy white one like Hedwig! The beige building has a... -
Sale 5%Sale 5%
Hallmark 3" Harry Potter Golden Snitch Personalized Christmas Ornament 3HCM1000
HM-3HCM1000$18.99$19.99Do you have a star Quidditch player on your Christmas list?? Then this is the most perfect ornament for them! It features a brown frame with a green back ground, and flying out of two doors is the Golden Snitch! There is a banner at the top and at the... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Fred and George Weasley Figure 6003332
D56-6003332$45.00Owners and founders of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, the joke shop located on Diagon Alley, beaters of Gryffinfdor Quidditch team, twin brothers of Ron Weasley, and mischief makers of Hogwarts, Fred and George are everyone's favorite character in the... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Snape & McGonagall Figure 6003331
D56-6003331$40.00Both respected and feared, these two professors stroll the hills exchanging knowledge, or perhaps complaining about Potter and Weasley's never ending shenanigans! Professor Minerva McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house, is the Transfiguration professor... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village The Burrow Building 6003328
D56-6003328$145.00When you're here, you're home. The Weasley's are the family of Ron, Harry Potter's best friend and partner in all things mischief! This home may look like a dump to you, but it's where Molly Weasley has raised all of her children and it was a place Harry... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Hogwarts Astronomy Tower Building 6003327
D56-6003327$225.00*CAUTION* Spoilers ahead! Accessed up a small spiral stairway, alllllllll the way at the top of the Astronomy Tower lies the Astronomy classroom. Astronomy is one of the core classes taught at Hogwarts where young witches and wizards learn... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Harry and The Headmaster Figure Set of 2 6002314
D56-6002314$45.00“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Throughout the tales of Harry Potter, Dumbledore helps drop subtle hints to Harry on how to defeat He Who Shall Not Be Named. This figure shows... -
Department 56 Harry Potter Village Hogwarts Great Hall and Tower Building 6002311
D56-6002311$225.00**You are purchasing a pre-order. Estimated Ship Date 7/31/25** Please read all about Pre-Orders HERE "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald, Or young...